Muladjanov Artur

Артур Муладжанов

Surname:  Muladjanov

Name:        Artur

Citizenship: The Kyrgyz Republic

Date of birth: 15/07/1989

Height: 187

Weight: 77

Prefered foot: both Main

Position: defender (C, R and L);

Alternate Position: defensive midfielder

Qualities: fast, good passing and shooting skills, great vision, excellent headwork, reliable


Premier League of the Kyrgyz Republic (FC ALGA) and the National team of Kyrgyzstan.


  • began playing football at the age of 9,
  • at the age of 15 started playing in the top division,
  • was involved in the youth team,
  • 2007 played for the Olympic team,
  • 2008 was in Turkey in the first league (2 months),
  • 2010 participated in the Asian Olympics,
  • 2010- till present has been playing for FC Alga  (top division of Kyrgyzstan),
  • regularly invited to the national team of Kyrgyzstan. Played in the finals of the AFC Cup (05/19/14 – 05/30/14)


  • winner (twice) of the silver medal of the National Championship and the Cup


Player’s performance video


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